Mechanics of Structures
Mechanics of Structures
The way a structure is made is ever changing but what remains constant is how it directs its weight to the earth. Mechanics of structure is basically how a structure is standing and how it directs its weight into the earth.
Initially it was done using the Load bearing Structural System in which all of the buildings weight is transferred using the walls of the structure. This is now being replaced by The Framed Structural System which includes a combination of beams and columns which are used to transfer a structures weight. Here one can play with the walls as they see fit freeing them for the load.

Even though framed structural system has its merits it still comes with its own set of complication and design. Where to put a beam? How much should be the distance between 2 columns? How to put this slab above the beams without disturbing the columns? Etc.
Learning the answer to these questions helped me understand my structure better.