3d Digital Fabrication
Specialization Course 2022
3D Modelling:
The course started with the basics of 3D modelling using two different workflows: 3D sculpting and technical design. It taught us how to set up 3D objects to create beautifully lit and creatively composed renders.
3D Scanning:
The course went on to teach us how to 3D scan small and large objects using photogrammetry, which uses only images taken from various angles to create a 3D model. We scanned various objects including interiors and exteriors of buildings, furniture and artefacts. We learnt the technical aspects of working with 3D meshes. We then went on to process these models and learnt to manipulate them and build over them. We were introduced to using models in digital simulations, videos or games.
3D Printing:
The final part of the course introduced us to 3D printing technologies: FDM and SLA printing, what these are good for, how to build them and how to use them. We were introduced to the world of open source 3D assets and how we can use these resources and contribute to them. At last we printed a 3d object which we designed.
with Prateek Modi
3d Modelling - Fusion 360
Water Bottle

Kinetic Model

3d Modelling - Blender

3d Scanning

3d Printing

A working crossbow that can be operated by a single arm.
Other works from this studio can be accessed here.