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Allied Course

Manual Path Printer

with Dushyant Asher

by Shreya Mittal, Parth Agrawal, Subodh Shelke and Lavanya Nawale

How can the technique of dropping develop new methods of designing and making a form?​

How can we make an apparatus that works on a logic of a 3D form with more human involvement in the process?



Continuing a study from a previous studio work which looked at the idea of a unit formation through natural processes and how it gets shaped and the geometry that it follows. The method explored, in this study, to understand this principle is through the technique of dropping. Mass of material when dropped under gravity, acquires a certain texture and form as we see in the process of making a cob wall. Using this principle, an apparatus is enabled to make a 3D form by understanding and using the method of dropping units for different material mixtures. 



A 3D printer is a tool that allows making of products through codes and programs. This programming sets a path for the nozzle to move and deposit material, thus forming the product. However, the involvement of human agency is limited to the input stage. 

The intent is to make an apparatus that works on a similar logic of having a defined path to make a 3D form, but requires more human involvement in the process of making which makes it more personal. The movement of the nozzle is mechanized, thus requiring an instinctual understanding of how much force is required to move it. It also requires an understanding of material viscosity as the pressure to be applied varies with each material. These aspects allow a physical connection with the process of form making. 

The principle of working is inspired by spirograph, in which a circle rotates along the inner circumference of a larger circle with a fixed point that defines the path. The intent is to create a 3D form by defining a path along which the material is deposited to make the form. 


To understand how different proportions of 

  1. Cement, Sand and Water

  2. Mud with less proportion of clay with cement and water

  3. Mud with maximum proportion of clay with water behave when dropped under gravity using the same apparatus.






  1. Exploring densities and viscosity of the three materials.

  2. Setting up an apparatus that allows change in dropping height. 

  3. Dropping the material masses of the same size from different heights.


To understand the logic of making a defined path and making a mechanism to recreate that path.




Drop Test

Attempt 1 : Different Proportions

Attempt 2 : Different Heights 


Through multiple experiments, the behavior of cement, mud and a combination of the two were observed. Cement because of its fast reaction with water has to be kept in a continuous mixing motion to maintain its viscosity. Since we were not able to achieve this because of the manual operation of the apparatus, the mixture of cement, sand and water in any proportion does not work.

Mud having less clay content requires a small percentage of cement to hold its form. Increase in this percentage, makes the form brittle and develops cracks after drying. 

Experimenting with a different soil type having more clay content could hold its form without developing cracks after adding water to it.

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Screenshot (93).png

3d Printer

Attempt 1 : Cement: Water = 4: 1

Attempt 2 : Cement: Water = 2: 1

Attempt 3 : Cement: Water = 8:5

Attempt 4 : Cement: Water = 8:5 + Glass Fibers


Through various cement-water mixture a workable viscosity of cement to flow through the apparatus was achieved by varying the water content. Since cement doesn't flow continuously, glass fiber was added to the mixture to attain a continuous output. While experimenting, a constant pressure was applied manually, to achieve a continuous flow. However, for the working of the apparatus, manually applying the constant pressure did not work.  A mechanism which would maintain a constant pressure while depositing would have to be thought of wholistically  with the existing movement mechanism of the apparatus.


Other works from this studio can be accessed here.

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